What’s in a name

Imagine if you will a junk drawer, do you see it? Crammed full of bits and bobs, oddities collected over the years. Some items may be useful others sentimental, and some items well simply put they are just junk. Junk what a fun name, Shakespeare infamously had that question about names.   He writes in Romeo and Juliet ‘what’s in a name’ and I ask the same. What is in a name, some would argue everything. From a word, a name we derive a sense of meaning a purpose. Names are power. Think about if we called the junk drawer a memory box, it becomes something to be relished, relived. Or what if instead we called our junk drawer, a treasure chest something about this invokes adventure, its contents worth traveling and fighting for.

This space is my junk drawer, or chair or bin or whatever object you use to file away all the clutter in your brain. For writers with an overactive imagination, to thinkers who simply loved to ponder random things, this is the place for you. Our treasure trove of junk.